I collaborated with Kyle Chayka and Daisy Alioto to create a series of gifs that were sold as NFTs for the substack newsletter, DIRT.
The gifs are all drawn at 12fps, and designed to loop.
Check out an interview I did with Daisy about the creation of Season One.
Check out an interview I did with Daisy about the creation of the Writer’s NFT
Dirt Season 1
The Season 1 NFT was sold in three colorways and raised roughly 13ETH. They sold out within a week.
Rainbow Colorway
The Rainbow colorway was auctioned as 1 of 1, and sold for 3.14ETH.
Writer’s Edition
Riffing on the famous LoFi Girl, we created an NFT to give to writers who contributed to Dirt.
Dirty’s Across the Pond Cousin, a collaboration with The Fence
Mr. Softee
For the end of Season 1, we polled readers to see what the NFT should look like (see concepts to the right). Mr. Softee won by two votes.